Perennial, tufted, sometimes stoloniferous. Leaf blade expanded, usually hairy, margins thickened, white; ligule a narrow, fringed membrane. Inflorescence of slender, 1-sided, spike-like racemes, digitate, rachis triquetrous with narrow, fringed wings; spikelets paired, unequally pedicelled. Spikelet narrowly lanceolate, dorsiventrally compressed, falling with glumes; glumes unequal; lower glume absent; upper glume a minute scale. Florets 2; lower floret sterile; lemma flat on back with rounded sides, prominently 5-7-nerved, coarsely scabrid on nerves, awned from entire apex; awn straight, fine, 6-26 mm long; palea minute; upper floret bisexual; lemma firmer than glumes, papery, dark brown, margins thin, hyaline, enfolding and concealing palea, awnless; palea as long as lemma, dark brown. Lodicules 0. Stamens 3. Ovary glabrous, ovoid or ellipsoid; styles distinct, terminally exserted. Caryopsis narrowly ellipsoid, dorsally flattened.
Species 5, tropical East Africa to South Africa; 1 in sthn Afr.: Stereochlaena cameronii (Stapf) Pilg., Botswana, Northern Province and North-West.
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