Shrubs, small trees or climbing shrubs; branchlets black, glabrescent or with sparse simple hairs, rarely densely velvety but soon glabrous. Leaves : bases of petioles +/-prominent; blades oblong-ovate or obovate, acuminate at apex, cuneate at base, dark green and sometimes glossy above. Flowers bisexual, solitary or paired, terminal or axillary, stalked; bracteole small. Sepals 3, free or +/-connate, persistent in fruit. Petals 6, in 2 whorls, valvate or inner ones somewhat imbricate and slightly shorter than outer ones, remaining closed for long period. Stamens many; filaments not developed; connectives with obliquely capitate apex. Carpels 18-30, cylindric or oblong; ovules 1(2), near base. Monocarps +/-2-20, stipitate.
Melodorum in sense of Verdcourt: 83 (1971b); Paiva: 181 (1983-84); Kessler: 119 (1993).
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