Unarmed shrubs, often with leafless branches. Leaves rare, 1-foliolate; stipules 0. Flowers showy, bright yellow, in terminal, many-flowered racemes; bracts and bracteoles minute, caducous. Calyx subspathaceously split at back; teeth 5, short, upper 2 free, lower 3 connate into a lip. Petals: vexillum large; wings obovate; keel incurved, acuminate, longer than wings, claw adnate to staminal tube. Stamens monadelphous; alternate anthers short and versatile, alternately longer and basifixed. Ovary sessile, many-ovuled; style incurved, glabrous; stigma oblong, decurrent on inside. Pod linear-oblong, glabrous, flat, dehiscent, 2-valved, subseptate between seeds inside. Seeds many, estrophiolate. x= 6, 8, 9, 13 ( polyploidy).
Species 1: *Spartium junceum L., Mediterranean region and SW Europe; now naturalised in Gauteng and the S Western and Eastern Cape Provinces.
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