Trees, shrubs, or rarely perennial herbs. Leaves imparipinnate, pulvinate; leaflets various; stipels setaceous or 0. Flowers in terminal racemes or leafy panicles; bracts linear, minute or 0. Calyx with narrowly campanulate tube, shortly toothed, sometimes tomentose. Petals: vexillum broadly obovate or orbicular, erect or spreading; wings oblong-oblique; keel oblong, suberect, with its petals usually imbricate or cohering along back. Stamens free or rarely subconnate at base; anthers versatile, sometimes with small, blunt, apical gland. Ovary shortly stalked, several- to many-ovuled, sometimes densely villous; style somewhat incurved; stigma small, terminal. Pod moniliform, terete or slightly compressed, fleshy, indehiscent or obscurely 2-valved, often beaked. Seeds obovoid or globose. x= 7, 8, 9, 11, 13 ( polyploidy).
Species +/- 50 cosmopolitan in warm regions; 1 in sthn Afr.: Sophora inhambensis Klotzsch (= S. nitens Benth.), KwaZulu-Natal. * S. japonica L. and * S. secundiflora Lag. are grown as street trees or garden ornamentals.
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