Crocyllis E.Mey. ex Hook.f.: 136 (1873); Puff: 3 (1986a).
Gynodioecious, fetid shrubs or dwarf shrubs. Leaves decussate, subsessile, linear to +/- elliptic, small; stipular sheath narrow, with a small triangular appendage on either side. Flowers 5-merous, bisexual (and protandrous) or female, shortly pedicellate, in clusters of several to many, terminal on new growth. Calyx: lobes narrowly ovate, much shorter than corolla tube. Corolla white. Stamens arising in throat of corolla tube. Ovary bicarpellate, 2-locular, each locule with a solitary erect ovule; style joined; stigma lobes 2, as long as style. Fruit (tardily) dehiscing into 2 mericarps. Seeds remaining enclosed in mericarp.
Species 17, Africa and Asia; 1 endemic in sthn Afr.: Gaillonia crocyllis (Sond.) Thulin, most southern part of Namibia and adjacent parts of Northern Cape.