Monadenia Lindl.: 356 (1838); Rolfe: 186 (1912); Schelpe: 82 (1966); Linder: 339 (1981e); Stewart et al.: 148 (1982). Penthea Lindl.: 360 (1838); Rolfe: 208 (1913); Schelpe: 88 (1966). Herschelia Lindl.: 362 (1838); Rolfe: 199 (1913); Schelpe: 86 (1966); Linder: 365 (1981f); Stewart et al.: 143 (1982). Forficaria Lindl.: 362 (1838); Rolfe: 207 (1913). Orthopenthea Rolfe: 179 (1912); Schelpe: 80 (1966). Amphigena Rolfe: 197 (1913); Schelpe: 84 (1966). Herschelianthe Rauschert: 433 (1983).
Terrestrial herbs, very rarely epilithic or epiphytic. Stems robust or slender, 0.1-1.0 m tall, with globose or elongate root tubers; occasionally with sterile shoots. Leaves radical, basal or cauline, linear to lanceolate and ovate, conduplicate or flat; green at flowering time, rarely hysteranthous. Inflorescence: raceme or corymb, lax or dense, few- or many-flowered, rarely one-flowered; flowers resupinate or not resupinate, very rarely doubly resupinate; various shades of white, red, pink, yellow, green, brown, purple or blue; bracts usually lanceolate and acute, sometimes dry and membranous. Sepals free, often apiculate; median sepal galeate and normally spurred, spur elongate or sac-like, sometimes obsolete; lateral sepals flat or navicular, spreading, patent or recurved. Petals usually smaller than sepals, ovate-oblong to falcate, basally fused with gynostemium, almost always with prominent anticous lobe, apically often bilobed. Lip linear, narrowly lanceolate, lorate, spathulate or broadly ovate, patent or pendent, margins sometimes crenulate or fringed (some species of Disa sect. Herschelianthe). Gynostemium with erect, horizontally reflexed or pendent anther, thecae parallel and adjacent, anther canals not prominent; pollinia 2, sectile, attached by short or long caudicles to 2 viscidia or rarely to 1 viscidium ( Disa sect. Monadenia); stigma pad-like, pedicellate or sessile; rostellum 3-lobed or unlobed, if 3-lobed with square or horn-like lateral lobes and insignificant or rarely tall and finger-like central lobe. Ovary twisted or untwisted. Capsule cylindrical or narrowly ellipsoid. x= 19 (aneuploids, polyploidy).
Species +/- 162, Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Madagascar and Mascarene Islands; 131 in sthn Afr., widespread.