
Dendrophthoe Mart.: 109 (1830) in part. Taxillus Tiegh.: 256 (1895); Danser: 123 (1933) in part.
Aerial, hemiparasitic shrubs of small to moderate size, probably not higher than 0.75 m, often appearing greyish due to short, dense tomentum on stems and leaves; older stems often greyish to reddish brown. Leaves alternate, shortly petiolate (2-6 mm), obovate-elliptical, 10-30 ' 3-20 mm. Flowers 4-merous, solitary, 1-3 in axils with short pedicels (1-3 mm). Calyx reduced to a short rim or forming a tube up to 2 mm long; bracts 2-3 mm long. Corolla stellate or lanate-pubescent, 25-40 mm long, with short unilateral split 5-7 mm long, outside mostly greyish green with variable shades of dull red, inside orange-reddish; lobes reflexed. Filaments +/- erect, 4-6 mm long; anthers locellate, +/- as long as filaments. Style essentially filiform but tapering slightly towards stigma. Berry mostly ellipsoid, 7-12 mm long, red. x = 9 (1 report).
Species 2, Namibia, Northern and Western Cape. Related to Vanwykia and the Madagascan genus Bakerella Tiegh., both of which show close affinities to the larger genus Taxillus Tiegh. which is widespread in tropical Asia.

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