Slender terrestrial herbs, with ovoid root tubers and wiry, flexuose stems. Leaves spathulate or elliptic-ovate, in radical tuft, green, often with purple dots. Inflorescence a short and lax raceme; flowers pink or white; bracts ovate-lanceolate. Sepals free; median one shallowly galeate and spurred; laterals spreading or reflexed. Petals basally +/- fused with gynostemium, narrow and unequally bilobed at apex, with minute or prominent anticous lobe. Lip fiddle-shaped, unspurred; hypochile concave, mesochile wider and flat, epichile massive, linear, decurved process. Gynostemium: anther thecae short, reflexed, parallel and adjacent, anther canals insignificant; pollinia 2, sectile, attached by short caudicles to separate viscidia; stigma pad in front of gynostemium; rostellum shortly 3-lobed. Capsule ovate-oblong.
Species 6; Western Cape, extending into Northern and Eastern Cape.
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