Gyaxis Salisb.: 131 (1866); Bjornstad & Friis: 243 (1974). Nerissa Salisb.: 131 (1866); Bjornstad & Friis: 254 (1974). Demeusea T.Durand & De Wild.: 78 (1900); Bjornstad & Friis: 207 (1972b). Choananthus Rendle: 237 (1908).
Deciduous, predominantly rhizomatous herbs. Rhizome elongated or with a bulbous part above. Leaves several, narrowed into a petiole-like base, present during or after flowering; blade ovate to lanceolate, thin-textured, glabrous, with a distinct midrib; petioles often sheathing to form a false stem, with or without red spotting. Inflorescence a many -flowered, compact or spreading head; scape fleshy, stout, solid, slightly compressed, glabrous, erect or drooping in fruit; spathe valves 4 or more, large, +/- erect and showy, or thin and early-withering. Flowers regular, salver-shaped and spreading apart or narrowly funnel-shaped, erect and dense, rarely drooping, red to orange; pedicels shorter to slightly longer than perigone. Tepals connate into a short to long tube; segments connivent or spreading, equalling to longer than perigone tube. Stamens erect or spreading, +/- equal, arising in perigone throat; filaments filiform, free at base, slightly longer than tepal segments; anthers dorsifixed, versatile. Ovary subglobose; ovules 1-few per locule. Style erect, filiform, as long as stamens; stigma undivided. Berry ovoid to globose, red with yellow flesh. Seeds ovoid, ivory-coloured; embryo green. x = 9.
Species 9; widespread in tropical Africa; 3 in sthn Afr., in all countries and provinces except the Free State, Lesotho and Northern Cape.
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