
Aviceps Lindl.: 345 (1838); Rolfe: 176 (1912); Phillips: 234 (1951). Satyridium Lindl.: 345 (1838); Rolfe: 144 (1912); Phillips: 233 (1951); Stewart et al.: 179 (1982).
Terrestrial herbs, with ovoid or globose tubers. Leaves 2-few, basal or cauline, sometimes flat on ground. Inflorescence a dense or lax raceme, many- or few-flowered, rarely subcapitate; flowers not resupinate; sepals and petals +/- fused at base or in basal portion, to lesser extent also to lip, in various shades of red, white, orange and yellow; bracts membranous or fleshy, often reflexed. Sepals simple, subequal or laterals broader, spreading or reflexed. Petals simple, sometimes with fringed margins, similar to petals. Lip almost always galeate, apex developed as narrow, erect or reflexed 'flap', base with 2 descending spurs or sacs, rarely without. Gynostemium erect with elongate column-part; anther thecae pendent, parallel and adjacent, anther canals absent or short; pollinia 2, sectile, each with distinct caudicle, viscidia 2, sometimes connate, very rarely 1. Capsule elongate to ovoid, not twisted. x= 41 (polyploidy).
Species +/- 88, Africa and Madagascar, extending to India, Myanmar (=Burma) and China; 37 in sthn Afr., widespread.

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