Densely to moderately branched, compact to diffuse, sometimes spiny shrubs. Stems prostrate to erect, glabrous or laxly tomentose, leafy and with lateral brachyblasts with crowded leaves. Leaves decussate or sometimes alternate, laxly to densely set, semiamplexicaul, sessile, entire, midribbed, glabrous or tomentose, usually glandular with stalked glands. Capitula radiate, solitary, sessile, terminal on stems and brachyblasts, often in fork of two branches. Involucral bracts in 3-10 rows, imbricated, entire, basally firm, apically spreading and scarious and sometimes brown with pale margins, otherwise yellowish, glabrous or seldom dorsally tomentose, often glandular. Receptacle flat, paleate or epaleate, sometimes shortly squamose. Ray florets female, fertile, tube cylindrical-funnel-shaped, sometimes glandular, lamina spreading, elliptic, yellow and sometimes dorsally with a brownish purple stripe, usually 4-veined, apically minutely 3-lobed. Style terete, bifid; branches spreading-revolute, semiterete, linear, glabrous or minutely penicillate apically, obtuse; stylopodium 0 or indistinct. Disc florets bisexual; corolla yellow, 5-lobed; lobes spreading, ovate-triangular, marginally thickened, dorsally usually gland-dotted. Style terete, bifid; branches spreading-revolute, semiterete, narrowly oblong, apically penicillate and truncate; stylopodium +/- distinct, conical-terete. Anthers linear, with a sterile, flat, ovate, apical appendage and sterile, subulate, entire or slightly branched tails; filaments filiform. Cypselas terete or angular, +/- narrowly oblong, glabrous or pilose, always more densely pilose in ray florets. Pappus crown-like, scarious, of many +/- connate scales, often also with 1-4 barbellate, apically slightly flattened bristles. x = 7 (1 report).
Species 4, Namibia, Botswana, North-West, Free State, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape.
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