Perennial herbs or dwarf shrubs, erect to ascending, sometimes rooting at nodes, aromatic. Leaves alternate or opposite at base, sessile or petiolate, entire, pinnatifid or bipinnatifid, glabrous or sericeous. Capitula discoid, solitary or corymbose, pedunculate. Involucre hemispherical; bracts in 3(4) rows, few to many, inner row(s) smaller than outer 2, apically acute or obtuse to spathulate, with scarious margins or inner almost totally membranous, with central resin canal. Receptacle hemispherical, epaleate. Discflorets bisexual, fertile; corolla yellow, tube narrowly cylindrical and of thin texture; limb globose, partly enervate, 5-lobed; lobes often cucullate; glandular. Anthers shortly calcarate and ecaudate, apical appendage ovate. Style terete; furcate, branches truncate, penicillate, stigmatic surfaces in 2 separate lines; with resin ducts. Cypselas brownish, obovoid, ellipsoid or turbinate, ribbed or angled, sometimes with radiating arms, glandular, but without myxogenic cells, thick-walled and conspicuously tuberculate to rugose, apically sometimes with thick, spreading to revolute corona. Pappus 0.
Species 4, endemic to sthn Afr., Namibia, Botswana, North-West and Northern Cape.
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