
Shrubs, or shrublets, rarely annuals. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, sessile, needle-shaped to lanceolate, very rarely obovate, glandular. Capitula radiate, mainly solitary and sessile, rarely pedunculate or corymbose, few- to many-flowered. Involucre ellipsoid, ovoid or campanulate; bracts in +/- 5 rows, ovate to linear, sometimes bilobed, sometimes with ovate, terminal appendage. Receptacle flat or somewhat conical, with linear to broad paleae as long as corolla. Ray florets female, yellow, marginal; corolla tube with minutely 3-toothed lamina shorter or longer than tube; ovary linear or oblong, sometimes ribbed. Style slender, with linear, obtuse branches. Pappus a cup- or crown-like structure or of separate, membranous paleae. Disc florets bisexual, fertile or sterile; corolla tube widening above, becoming campanulate; lobes short, ovate. Anthers sagittate or tailed at base; ovary linear, sometimes with 2 ciliate ribs, glabrous to pilose. Style linear, sometimes swollen at base, branches linear, truncate, rarely rounded. x = 7 (5).
Species 13 with 4 subspecies, endemic to sthn Afr., Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape.

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