Shrublets or shrubs, often viscid, rarely spiny, rarely with decumbent branches rooting at nodes. Leaves mostly opposite or alternate, sometimes fascicled, entire or ciliate-serrulate, sometimes coriaceous or succulent, woolly-tomentose, papillose or glabrous, rarely warted. Capitula discoid, solitary or corymbose, 1-many-flowered. Involucre campanulate to cylindric or ovoid; bracts in 4-10 rows, inner progressively longer, with membranous, glabrous or ciliate margins, sometimes acuminate or spine-tipped. Receptacle convex to concave, often honeycombed, margins setose or lacerate. Florets bisexual. Corolla yellow, rarely purple or greenish; tube usually widening above, often chartaceous; lobes 5, triangular, oblong-linear to obovate. Anthers linear, obtuse at base; usually with lanceolate, membranous, apical appendage. Style terete; branches usually lanceolate, flattened, with short or long appendages, apex hairy. Cypselas obovoid or turbinate or +/- compressed, sometimes narrowed into short apical beak, glabrous to villous. Pappus usually in 2 rows, of scabrid, barbellate or subpilose bristles, often connate at base, mostly straw-coloured, rarely purple.
Species 70, mainly sthn Afr., Namibia, Botswana, Free State, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape; few extending into Zimbabwe and Australia.
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