Annual, biennial or perennial herbs. Leaves alternate, sessile, lanceolate, linear-lanceolate or oblanceolate, sometimes decurrent, margins entire, flat or undulate, both surfaces woolly, or glandular above, woolly below (hair type B). Capitula disciform, in small clusters corymbosely or cymosely arranged. Involucralbracts in 3 or 4 rows, inner +/- equalling or slightly exceeding flowers, white to yellow, often buff or cream; stereome usually divided, rarely undivided ( P. oligandrum). Receptacle smooth or honeycombed, epaleate. Florets few to many; female florets more than bisexual florets, corolla yellow, filiform or narrowly tubular; bisexual florets tubular, scarcely broadened above, yellow, 5-lobed; all florets glandular-hairy on backs of lobes. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate, tails slightly longer or shorter than filament collar; with small, obtuse or subacute apical appendage; endothecial tissue polarised. Style branches truncate and penicillate, with obtuse sweeping hairs. Cypselas oblong, either glabrous or with duplex myxogenic hairs; epidermal cells tabular, often imbricate. Pappus bristles scabrid, apical cells sometimes inflated, bases cohering by patent cilia. x = 7 (1 report).
Species +/- 90, Africa, Asia, Europe and America; 3 in sthn Afr., widespread.
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