Herbs, aromatic; stem without resin ducts. Leaves alternate, dentate and sometimes basally shallowly lobed, slightly stem-clasping but not decurrent. Capitula disciform, terminal, solitary or few together; flowers mauve. Receptacle epaleate. Marginalflorets female; corolla filliform, 3-lobed. Discflorets bisexual. Anthers calcarate and caudate; cells of filament collar flattened; endothecial tissue radial. Style bifid; style branches with obtuse sweeping hairs reaching below the furcation. Cypselas distinct, stout, ellipsoid, with straight hairs, without resin ducts. Pappus of free, barbellate, capillary bristles in 1 row; each bristle with adpressed teeth.
Monotypic: Pseudoconyza viscosa (Mill.) D'Arcy, Central America, Africa and Asia; Namibia, Botswana, Northern Province and Mpumalanga.
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