Shrublets, usually densely leafy. Leaves alternate, entire to slightly toothed, densely hairy to glabrous; hairs usually coarse, sometimes glandular. Capitula radiate, solitary, terminal, sessile or pedunculate, or lateral or sometimes clustered on branchlets. Involucral bracts in 3 rows, lanceolate, inner row the longest. Receptacle epaleate. Rayflorets female, with upperside white and underside purplish pink, acute. Stigma shortly bilobed. Discflorets bisexual or more often male or mixed, yellow. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; apical appendage ovate-lanceolate, flat. Style appendage triangular in fertile florets. Cypselas buff or greenish brown to yellow, obtuse, elliptic, with swollen margin, glabrous, with horny ring +/- 1 mm deep at upper end. Pappus of slender, yellowish white, scabrid, caducous bristles in 1 row.
Species 4, endemic to sthn Afr., Western Cape. Formerly associated with Aster, Felicia, etc.
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