
Tapinanthus (Blume) Rchb.f. in part, Wiens & Tolken: 3 (1979).
Aerial, hemiparasitic shrubs, often large and pendent; branchlets slightly compressed, often with scales or stellate-hairy on young parts. Leaves opposite, subopposite or rarely ternate, mostly petiolate, usually somewhat coriaceous. Inflorescence a sessile to shortly pedunculate umbel or 2-several, axillary. Calyx annular to shortly tubular, subentire to shortly lobed. Corolla 5(exceptionally 6)-lobed, with dense stellate or dendritic hairs, tube longer than lobes, usually yellow or orange with red markings or more often reddish, but colours muted by indumentum; apical swelling of bud fusiform to globular, sometimes ribbed or narrowly winged; basal swelling variously developed; tube split unilaterally, the V-slit extending little more or less than +/- halfway, papillate along sutures; lobes erect. Filaments attached near base of lobes, linear, inrolled at anthesis; anthers oblong to linear-oblong, with 4-thecae transversely divided into several-many locules. Style slender, 5-angled or narrowly 5-winged, often expanded opposite filaments and narrowed opposite anthers, sometimes papillate or hairy; stigma globular to obovoid. Berry reddish, often blue to blue-green, ellipsoid or obovoid, mostly with persistent calyx.
Species +/- 34, widely spread in tropical Africa and Arabian Peninsula; 4 in sthn Afr., Namibia.

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