Elichrysum Willd.: 1905 (1803). Xeranthemum L.: 858 (1753).
Rigid, erect shrubs, main stem to 60 mm in diameter; branches rigid, upright, covered in brachyblasts borne at right angles to branches, decreasing in size from base of branch to tip, each brachyblast subtended by a narrow dark brown bract. Leaves small, fleshy, knob-like, very densely spaced on branches and brachyblasts, imbricate, abaxial surface woolly-hairy, adaxial surface arachnoid. Capitula discoid, terminal, large, with 800-1000 florets. Involucral bracts 240-270, with three clearly distinguishable sections: basal shaft 6-11 mm long, narrowly transversely elliptic in cross section, strongly hygroscopic, margins with a single row of hairs and glands; hinge a dark brown band, up to 2 mm wide between shaft and lamina; lamina up to 22 mm long, with a silky sheen, deep pink fading to lighter shades with age; outermost bracts scale-like, with acuminate dark brown tips; innermost bracts with lamina longer and narrower. Receptacle conical, nude, honeycombed. Female florets discoid, +/- 20 per capitulum, positioned at regular intervals between other florets in outermost row closest to involucre, narrowing towards tip to clasp style, with very small, erect, triangular lobes. Style bifid; style branches tapering to a narrow, rounded tip, base bulbous. Cypsela with long, white, silky hairs. Pappus of 100-150 plumose bristles, slightly fused at base, tips acute or rounded. Male florets discoid, majority of florets in capitula, progressively younger towards centre, +/- same width from base to tip. Anthers with apical appendage truncate, basally long frilly-tailed. Style not bifid, with swollen cells along upper part of shaft, base bulbous. Nectary reduced or 0. Cypsela reduced and sterile, smooth, glossy. Pappus bristles 20-55, plumose, slightly fused at base, tips bulbously inflated.
Monotypic: Phaenocoma prolifera (L.) D.Don, endemic to Western Cape.
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