
Shrubs or shrublets, cano-pubescent, glandular or glabrous. Leaves mostly alternate, rarely opposite, variously pinnatisect, occasionally entire or apically dentate, +/- ericoid. Capitula discoid, solitary or corymbose, pedunculate, several-flowered. Involucre globose; bracts in 3-5 rows, obtuse and with scarious margin. Receptacle flat, convex or hemispherical to conical, epaleate. Discflorets bisexual, fertile; corolla glandular; tube generally swollen, cylindrical, limb cyathiform-campanulate, with 5 ovate lobes. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; with ovate to linear, apical appendage. Style terete, sometimes swollen at base; with linear, truncate branches. Cypselas yellowish brown, 5-ribbed, +/- terete, often with large 2-celled glands and with myxogenic cells abaxially and on ribs. Pappus an adaxial auricle, or an oblique adaxially longer cup or of free adaxially whitish scales, sometimes 0. x = 6, 7, 8.
Species 23, Africa; 21 in sthn Afr., widespread but absent from Mpumalanga, Swaziland and KwaZulu-Natal.

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