Shrubs or small trees, evergreen, usually 1-stemmed and sparsely branched, glabrous in all vegetative parts. Leaves simple, entire, usually coriaceous; petiole swollen at both ends. Inflorescence a few- to many-flowered globose head or umbel. Male flowers: tepals 12-18, in whorls of 3; stamens (3-)6(-8), free or sometimes 2 stamens completely connate lengthwise, anthers with apical dehiscence. Female flowers: tepals 12(-14); staminodes 6 or 0; carpels 3. Drupe oblong to elliptic, smooth; endocarp chartaceous; condyle present. Seeds: endosperm absent; embryo straight, cotyledons thick, adpressed. x = 13, 26.
Species 4, W and C Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Penianthus longifolius Miers (= P. gossweileri Exell), Angola (Cabinda).
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