Aquatic, rooted, +/- stemless, armed or unarmed annuals, dioecious or monoecious or sometimes flowers bisexual; roots many, simple. Leaves rosulate, sessile or petiolate, sheathing at base, submerged or in some species also with floating blades; lamina of submerged leaves ribbon-like, linear to lanceolate, with floating blade ovate to cordate; nerves 3-11, distinct, connected by cross-veins. Inflorescence pedunculate; spathes saccate, containing many male flowers; female and bisexual flowers usually solitary; spathes firm, with prominent, sometimes muricate, ribs or wings, or occasionally smooth. Flowers: perianth white or yellow, tubular, with 3 outer segments sepaloid, persistent, and 3 inner larger, petaloid, slightly exserted above surface of water at anthesis, ephemeral; pollination entomophilous (or flowers often cleistogamous). Male flowers usually 1-3 exserted at a time, with pedicels lengthening rapidly at anthesis; stamens 6-15; anthers basifixed; pollen globular, tuberculate; gynoecium rudimentary. Female flowers: ovary flask-shaped with 3-6 parietal placentas intruding towards centre; styles 3-15, each divided into 2 stigmatic arms; ovules many, amphitropous; staminodes present or 0. Fruit ripening inside accrescent spathe; lower part of perianth tube forming its beak. Seeds many, small, fusiform, tomentose or glabrous, many released in pulpy mass. x = 11 (10, 12, 17, 26) (aneuploids, high polyploidy).
Species 21, tropics and subtropics, 13 in Africa, 7 in Asia and Australia and 1 in South America; 4 in sthn Afr., restricted to the warmer parts, * Ottelia alismoides (L.) Pers. has spread out of Asia and has naturalised in Africa, Europe and North America. Seeds embedded in pulp (rather like bananas), dispersed by water, fish and perhaps other animals.
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