
Shrubs, subshrubs or perennial herbs, sometimes succulent, with thickened rootstock, usually glabrous. Leaves alternate, sometimes radical, sessile or petiolate, varying from linear to orbicular, entire to serrate-dentate or pinnatifid. Capitula radiate, disciform or discoid; many-flowered, solitary to corymbose or paniculate, terminal or axillary, on short or long peduncles. Involucre ecalyculate, campanulate; bracts in 1 row, connate below, sometimes with membranous margin, glabrous. Receptacle flat or convex, epaleate. Marginalflorets female or bisexual, fertile; corolla yellow, white, purple or pink; tube with obovate-elliptic to linear, blunt or 2- or 3-toothed lamina up to 4 times its length, sometimes short and truncate. Discflorets functionally male; corolla yellow or whitish, tubular below, widened above, sometimes very short, with 5 ovate lobes. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate or minutely sagittate at base; with ovate apical appendage; endothecial tissue radial. Style of female flowers linear, with linear, obtuse branches, subacute; of fully fertile bisexual flowers truncate and penicillate with small cone-shaped apical appendage; of functionally male flowers undivided, penicillate, tipped with conical or globose appendage. Cypselas mostly ellipsoid, glabrous or pubescent, ribbed. Pappus of many persistent, rarely caducous, scabrid bristles. x = 10 (polyploidy, B-chromosomes).
Species +/- 120, Africa, mainly sthn Afr.; Namibia, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Swaziland, Free State, KwaZulu-Natal, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape.

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