
Cass. emended K.Bremer
Osmites L.: 24 (1760). Bellidiastrum Less.: 383 (1832).
Subshrubs or shrublets, sometimes tomentose, aromatic, camphor-scented. Leaves usually alternate, sessile, narrow, sometimes reflexed, sometimes toothed or rigidly ciliate. Capitula radiate, few- to many-flowered, solitary, terminal or few in corymb. Involucre campanulate; bracts in 2-4 rows, imbricate, subequal, laterally and apically purplish, usually fimbriate, serrate, dentate or entire. Receptacle flat to conical, paleate; paleae as long as disc florets and somewhat enclosing them, linear to lanceolate, sometimes fimbriate, membranous. Ray florets neuter or female, fertile or sterile; corolla white, with +/- cylindrical widening tube; lamina entire or bifid, longer than tube. Disc florets bisexual, sometimes sterile; corolla yellow, tubular, gradually widening upwards, lobes 5, ovate-triangular, thickened at apex. Anthers linear with sterile, flat, ovate to oblong, rounded to truncate, apical appendage; tails flat, subulate, +/- connate in pairs. Style terete, bifid, with swollen base; branches semiterete, linear to oblong, penicillate; stylopodium present or 0. Cypselas glabrous, dotted all over with resin grains, brown, oblong to elliptic to obovate, somewhat 3- or 4-edged. Pappus, if present, crown-like, light brown, of scarious, subulate to triangular scales.
Species 9, endemic to sthn Afr, occurring in Eastern and Western Cape.

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