Compact woody perennials, forming dense tufts. Leaves alternate, sessile, narrowly oblong, flattened, greyish tomentose on both surfaces, eglandular, margin entire. Capitula radiate, solitary, terminal on long leafless peduncles. Involucral bracts with lanceolate laminas. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Ray florets female, in one row, fewer than disc florets, yellow with purple bands dorsally; cypselas and pappus as in disc florets. Disc florets perfect, yellow, glandular-hairy. Anthers ecalcarate with short tails; apical appendage acute; endothecial tissue polarised. Style branches truncate with obtuse sweeping hairs apically. Cypselas rod-like with 5 vascular bundles, moderately hairy with elongated twin hairs. Pappus of free, barbellate, capillary bristles in one row with an outer row of very narrow scales.
Monotypic: Oreoleysera montana (Bolus) K.Bremer, endemic to Western Cape.
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