
Terrestrial herb perennating by testicular tubers. Leaves dimorphic, with ovate spreading basal leaves and loosely convoluted cauline leaves. Inflorescence an erect lax spike; bracts half as long as ovaries, green to somewhat chartaceous. Flowers small, more or less resupinate, with sepals and petals not spreading; ovary twisted. Sepals free, entire, 1-nerved. Petals more or less enclosed by sepals, 3-nerved, slightly shorter than sepals. Lip shorter than sepals and petals and enclosed by them, 3-lobed and 3-nerved; side lobes blunt and shorter than mid-lobe; spur short, straight or curved. Column short; rostellum square with a very small mid-lobe; viscidia separate and held in shallow notches in rostellum side lobes; staminodes minute; anther erect, 2-celled; stigma 2-lobed, lobes sessile, slightly convex, diverging from base.
Monotypic: Oligophyton drummondii H.P.Linder & G.Will., endemic to E Zimbabwe.

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