Eroeda Levyns: 83 (1948).
Shrublets, rather rigid and somewhat ericoid. Leaves opposite, ternate or spirally imbricate, ovate to linear. Capitula radiate, few-flowered, in terminal sessile clusters within a common involucre. Involucre broadly campanulate; bracts in 3 or 4 rows, ovate, lanceolate, ciliate, sometimes glandular on margins, pubescent or scabrid on back. Receptacle paleate; paleae acuminate or obtuse, sometimes fimbriate or irregularly 2- or 3-toothed. Ray florets female, marginal, corolla tube somewhat compressed, with long linear, minutely toothed lamina, much longer or somewhat shorter than tube. Style linear, with linear, obtuse or truncate branches. Pappus a crown of short paleae. Disc florets bisexual, fertile or some sterile; corolla tube campanulate or abruptly widening above. Anthers linear, obtuse at base, with a lanceolate, apical appendage. Ovary linear, glabrous. Style terete, with linear, truncate branches. Pappus a crown of short paleae.
Species 18, endemic to Western and Eastern Cape.
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