Zamioculcas in sense of Decne.: 321 (1870) in part, not of Schott. Zamioculcas Schott sect. Gonatopus (Engl.) Hook.f.: 994 (1883). Heterolobium Peter: 211, 221 (1930). Microculcas Peter: 212, 222 (1930).
Herbs with aerial parts deciduous. Stem a rhizome or subglobose tuber. Leaf solitary, erect, with several membranous cataphylls at base; petiole with or without an annular swelling in upper half; lamina decompound, pinnately to quadripinnately lobed; pinnae petiolulate or decurrent, alternate or subopposite. Inflorescence 1-several, appearing before leaf but often present during its early development. Spathe borne on erect, short to long, terete peduncles, convolute towards base forming a tube, limb expanded, reflexed at maturity, disintegrates with fruit development. Spadix subequal to spathe; female flowers at base, male flowers above, separated by a constricted zone bearing sterile flowers. Flowers with 4(6) decussate perianth segments. Male flowers many; filaments connate into a tube surrounding a central, cylindric to clavate pistillode; anthers dehiscing by apical pores; pollen globose. Female flowers lacking staminodes; pistil +/- laterally compressed; ovary 2-locular; locules uniovulate; style short, thick; stigma discoid-capitate. Fruit a berry, ovoid-ellipsoid, 1- or 2-seeded. Seeds with smooth testa; endosperm 0. x= 17.
Species 5, endemic to tropical and southern subtropical Africa; 2 in sthn Afr., Mpumalanga and N KwaZulu-Natal.
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