Klingia Schonland: 178 (1919); Phillips: 203 (1951); Wilsenach: 60 (1966); Obermeyer: 136 (1980).
Deciduous bulbous herbs. Bulb sometimes dividing into clusters, often with a conspicuous basal sheath surrounding foliage leaves. Leaves few to several, frequently spiralled, often pubescent, mostly absent at flowering, often contemporary with fruit; hairs simple or medifixed. Inflorescence 1-flowered; scape reduced, included in bulb neck; spathe membranous, sheathing. Flower regular or weakly irregular by deflection of style, often several appearing from a cluster of bulbs, pink to white, fugacious; pedicel reduced. Tepals connate into a long, slender, fleshy, cylindric tube; segments shorter than tube, spreading. Stamens 6, 12, 18 or more, uniseriate, arising in perigone throat; filaments short, free or fused at base; sometimes bearing 2-5 anthers; anthers linear, basifixed, rolled backwards with age. Ovary enclosed in spathe and bulb-neck; ovules many per locule; style elongate, filiform, erect or laterally deflexed; stigma capitate. Fruit indehiscent, clavate to cylindric, +/- succulent, yellowish to white, often spotted with red, aromatic and edible, rarely thin-walled, disintegrating irregularly. Seeds subglobose, firm, cream-coloured to reddish, small and many or large and few; embryo green. x = 6.
Species +/- 32, semi-arid areas of sthn Afr.: Namibia, North-West, Free State, Northern Cape, Western Cape, and Eastern Cape; concentrated in Namaqualand (Northern Cape).
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