
Much-branched spreading shrubs with spinescent stipules, in pairs, straight or often deflexed. Leaves small; petiole short, pubescent, adaxial gland 0; pinnae in 1 pair; leaflets in 2-9 pairs, oblong or elliptic, pubescent or subglabrous and usually with minute, reddish, purplish or whitish glands at point of attachment of leaflets. Inflorescence apparently capitate, reduced on axillary peduncles. Flowers bisexual, 2-4 per inflorescence, rarely solitary; peduncles conspicuously glandular, pubescent. Calyx cupular, with 5 obtuse lobes, pubescent. Corolla 5-lobed, pubescent. Stamens many, long-exserted; filaments united into a tube basally; anthers dorsifixed, glabrous and eglandular. Ovary glabrous or shortly stipitate; style filiform; stigma capitate. Pod linear-oblong to oblanceolate, straight, 1-4-seeded, dehiscent acute or acuminate apically. Seeds rounded or compressed. x= 8 (11) ( polyploidy).
Species 2, in tropical Africa; 1 in sthn Afr.: Calliandra redacta (J.H.Ross) Thulin & Hunde, restricted to the Northern Cape on granite ridges.

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