
Annual or perennial herbs, shrublets or shrubs. Leaves alternate, rarely opposite, entire or variously divided to pinnatipartite. Capitula radiate, pedunculate, usually terminal and solitary, several- to many-flowered. Involucre campanulate, subhemispherical or turbinate; bracts in 1-4 rows, free. Receptacle flat or slightly convex, epaleate. Rayflorets female, fertile; corolla yellow or orange yellow; tube short, with +/- oblong, 3-toothed lamina up to 6 times its length. Staminodes sometimes present. Style linear, with linear, obtuse branches. Raycypselas straight or somewhat curved, triquetrous, 3-winged or terete, smooth or ribbed or tuberculate or with various processes, with or without apical cavities. Pappus 0. Discflorets functionally male; corolla yellow; tube widening above, with 5 lanceolate lobes. Anthers ecalcarate, shortly tailed; with ovate, apical appendage; endothecial tissue polarised. Style terete or linear, minutely bifid with apical ring of hairs. Pappus 0. x = 8, 9, 10 (polyploidy).
Species +/- 45, south and tropical Africa, St Helena, Somalia and SW Arabian Peninsula; 35 in sthn Afr., widespread.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith