Trees, shrubs or less often lianes, with mostly glabrous, less often hairy or tomentose stems. Leaves opposite or rarely in whorls of 3, sometimes only 1 at flowering nodes; stipules leafy, undivided, free or forming a sheath with the petioles. Flowers generally heterostylous, bisexual or rarely unisexual, in tight capitula, flowers usually joined, at least by bases of calyces, capitula sometimes bearing single, large, coloured bracts or occasionally many smaller bracts; capitula 1-several at nodes, frequently arranged in umbels, pedunculate or rarely sessile. Calyx: tube urceolate or hemispherical, limb short, truncate or obscurely to distinctly toothed, persistent. Corolla coriaceous, funnel-shaped or salver-shaped; lobes (4)5(-7), valvate; throat glabrous or pilose. Stamens (4)5(7), arising in throat; filaments short; anthers and style included or exserted. Disc swollen or annular. Ovary 2-4-locular, sometimes imperfectly so; style with 2 short to long linear branches; ovules solitary in locules, attached to septum below middle or near base, ascending, anatropous or amphitropous. Fruit syncarpous (very rarely scarcely so), succulent, containing several pyrenes; pyrenes cartilaginous or bony, 1-seeded or joined into a 2-4-locular woody structure. Seeds obovoid or reniform, with a membranous testa and fleshy endosperm.
Species +/- 80, throughout the tropics; sthn trop. Afr. 4, Angola, Zambia, Malawi.
Appunettia R.D.Good: 30 (1926b); White: 400 (1962) as synonym.
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