
Moquinia A.Spreng.: 9 (1828); Danser: 55 (1933).
Aerial, hemiparasitic shrubs up to 1 m high, essentially glabrous. Leaves alternate, opposite-subopposite, occasionally fascicled, somewhat coriaceous with age, mostly obovate to elliptic-linear to lanceolate (greatly variable in size), (15-)25-40(-80) ' (4-)5-10(-18) mm, rounded at apex, cuneate at base; petioles 2-5 mm long. Inflorescence a 3-6-flowered umbel, or occasionally racemose by the addition of several flowers lower on rachis, axillary or solitary on older branches. Flowers 5-merous, tubular; mature buds (25-)35-40(-45) mm long, orange or red basally, yellow above, apical portion blackish, mostly cylindrical but slightly expanded basally. Corolla gamopetalous, bilaterally symmetrical (tube bearing a short, V-shaped, unilateral split); lobes slightly longer than rest of corolla and spirally coiled following anthesis. Filaments arising near base of lobes; anthers normally breaking from filament at anthesis (flower opens explosively). Style filiform, up to 80 mm long, red; stigma capitate. Berry ellipsoid, 10-15 ' 4-7 mm, reddish when mature, smooth. x = 9.
Monotypic: Moquiniella rubra (A.Spreng.) Balle, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape.

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