Randia L. in part; Sonder: 7 (1865).
Shrubs or small trees. Leaves petiolate, elliptic, membranous; stipules green in dry state, ovate acuminate. Flowers in small, axillary, bracteolate cymes. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes subulate; tube campanulate. Corolla white; lobes short, rounded, dextrorsely contorted; tube elongate, narrowly campanulate or funnel-shaped. Stamens 5, arising in broad part of corolla tube, included or nearly so; anthers sessile, linear, dorsifixed. Disc cushion-like. Ovary 2-locular, or falsely 1-locular, with several subpendulous ovules in each locule; style filiform, glabrous; stigmatic club included or exserted, bifid at apex. Fruit a globose to ellipsoid berry, crowned by persistent calyx limb. Seeds somewhat compressed or not, fleshy; testa ornamented with fine narrow reticulations. x = 11.
Species 5, tropical Africa; 1 in sthn Afr.: Mitriostigma axillare Hochst., KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape.
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