
Agathelpis Choisy: 85 (1823); Rolfe: 178 (1901); Hartley & Balkwill: 471 (1990); Hilliard: 318 (1990).
Small, perennial, much-branched, heath-like shrublets, without brachyblasts (dwarf shoots); hairs on main parts (not inside corolla tube) sculptured. Leaves alternate (+/- spiralled), linear to suborbicular, sessile, dense, sometimes fascicled. Flowers small, sessile, bracteate, in many-flowered, ovate to +/- elongated, lax or compact spikes. Bracts adnate to at least part of calyx tube, sometimes large and spreading, ovate or oblong to suborbicular, glabrous. Calyx tubular, +/- equally 5-dentate; tube campanulate or cylindrical, 5-ribbed (vascular strands), subglabrous; lobes much shorter than tube, anterior teeth sometimes more deeply incised than other 3. Corolla tubular, sub-bilabiate, 5-lobed, leathery, glabrous; tube +/- cylindrical or slightly enlarged at throat and/or curved; longer than lobes; limb spreading; upper lip 2-lobed with lobes partly fused, orange patch sometimes present, glabrous, exterior in bud; lower lip 3-lobed; lobes subequal, oblong or linear-oblong. Stamens 4 or 2, if 4 then didynamous with upper pair arising in corolla mouth, +/- exserted, and lower pair in corolla tube, included, if 2 then arising above middle of tube, fused almost to full length of corolla tube with free portion of filaments shorter than anthers, usually included or just emerging at throat; filaments linear; anthers short, synthecate, dorsifixed; staminodes 0. Nectary small, at base of ovary on posterior side. Ovary cylindrical, unilocular by abortion, sometimes apparently unequally bilocular with posterior locule smaller and ovule abortive; ovule 1; style filiform, entire; stigma lingulate with marginal stigmatic papillae, sometimes exserted. Fruit a single, semi-ovoid, oblong or narrowly oblong, 1-seeded, indehiscent coccus enclosed within persistent bract and calyx, sometimes with second, smaller, membranous, empty coccus adherent to the first. Seeds probably fusiform.
Species 8; Northern Cape (Kamiesberg and Calvinia) and Western Cape, mostly southwestern area from Vanrhynsdorp to Ladismith.

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