
Freyliniopsis Engl.: 609 (1922); Merxmuller & Roessler: 33 (1967a).
Large foetid shrubs with whitish bark; branches usually somewhat curved, brittle, ribbed by decurrent leaf bases when young, glandular-puberulous on uppermost parts. Leaves opposite and decussate, sometimes fascicled, lanceolate, acute; base tapering into petiole, subentire to serrate, base of petiole persistent, decurrent down stem in 2 narrow ridges, glandular-puberulous. Flowers pedicellate, 1-many in axils of leaves or bracts, forming a terminal thyrse. Calyx obscurely bilabiate, 5-lobed nearly to base, glandular-puberulous. Corolla bilabiate, 5-lobed, persistent; tube narrowly funnel-shaped or subcylindrical, mouth laterally compressed, elliptical, posterior side of tube with band of unicellular clavate hairs from mouth to base; posterior lip 2-lobed, exterior in bud; anterior 3-lobed; lobes spreading, suborbicular, glandular-puberulous outside, inside minutely glandular around mouth. Stamens 4, didynamous; posterior ones included, with filaments decurrent to base of tube; anterior ones arising in throat, exceeding posterior pair, very shortly exserted; anthers synthecate, dorsifixed, thecae transversely kidney-shaped. Nectary not conspicuous, possibly very shallowly annular. Ovary bilocular, deltoid, glabrous; ovules many per locule; stigma bifid, just reaching mouth. Fruit a septicidal capsule, each valve with a short loculicidal split at tip. Seeds +/- ellipsoid, brown; testa thin, reticulate.
Monotypic: Manuleopsis dinteri Thell., Namibia from Kaokoveld, Otavi and Tsumeb south to the Naukluft Mountains and due east +/- 150 km to Kalkrand.

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