Annual or perennial herbs, unarmed. Leaves alternate, dentate-pinnatifid. Capitula discoid or disciform, pedunculate, solitary. Involucre urceolate, much shorter than florets; bracts appressed, coriaceous; appendage a short, erect to deflexed, deciduous spine. Marginal florets neuter; with staminodes; corolla purple, rarely white, longer than bisexual central florets. Disc florets bisexual, fertile; corolla purple, rarely white. Anthers caudate at base. Cypselas obovoid, many-ribbed and transversely rugulose between ribs, glabrous with apical rim, lateral detachment area large and surrounded by whitish, swollen margin, with elaiosome. Pappus double, outer of linear-subulate, persistent scales; inner generally a single, abaxial scale. x = 11.
Species 4, Mediterranean region, North Africa; 1 an introduced weed in sthn Afr.: * Mantisalca salmantica (L.) Briq. & Cavill., Northern and Eastern Cape.
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