Annual or perennial herbs, often with large woody rootstocks; stems erect, scrambling, or prostrate. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolate or sometimes unifoliolate; leaflets often with a margin of whitish hairs; stipulate. Flowers axillary, fasciculate or in terminal pseudoracemes. Calyx 4- or 5-lobed; tube campanulate; 2 uppermost lobes +/- united. Corolla glabrous, yellow or greenish yellow, often blotched with mauve, rarely reddish; vexillum rounded or elliptic, eared, with 2 small, parallel appendages; wings narrow. Stamens biseriate, with uniform anthers. Ovary 3-13-ovuled; style +/- filiform, with terminal, subcapitate, often penicillate stigma. Pod straight or curved, linear or linear-oblong, compressed. Seeds compressed, with small or obsolete aril. x= 11 (aneuploids).
Species +/- 24, Africa and Asia; 6 in sthn Afr., widespread, but not reaching Western Cape.
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