Climbing or small erect shrubs, +/- hairy. Leaves opposite, petiolate, mostly clustered at apices of shoots; stipules rather large, interpetiolar, ovate-lanceolate, thickly scarious, striate, imbricate with leaves at ends of shoots, at length deciduous. Flowers bisexual, scented, 5- or 6-merous, shortly pedicellate, several to many in terminal sessile clusters. Calyx: tube ellipsoid or obconic; tubular part of limb short; lobes subulate or linear-lanceolate, erect, persistent. Corolla white, cream, yellow, pink or red, +/- salver-shaped, with a narrow tube, or funnel-shaped, glabrescent to pubescent outside, glabrous inside save at base which is densely hairy, or glabrous at base with rest of tube pubescent; lobes elliptic to rounded, shortly clawed, spreading, contorted. Stamens: anthers just exserted between corolla lobes or included; pollen in tetrads. Ovary 1-locular; ovules many on 2(-?4) parietal placentas; style long-exserted or included, thick; stigma large, globose, grooved. Fruit subglobose, many-seeded.
Species 3, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Macrosphyra brachystylis Hiern, Angola.
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