
Doxantha Miers: 189 (1863).
Perennial lianas; roots usually with conspicuously swollen tubers; stems irregularly striate, lenticellate, branchlets terete, often rooting at nodes, attached to support by adventitious rootlets. Leaves with 2 lanceolate to broadly ovate leaflets, often with a terminal trifid, hooked tendril; opposite, petiolate; pseudostipules small, +/- ovate. Flowers large, pedicellate, in an axillary panicle, usually reduced to 1 or 3 flowers but rarely up to 15; peduncles short, branches +/- glabrous. Calyx membranous, cupular, subtruncate with sinuous margin, glabrous to slightly lepidote. Corolla tubular-campanulate, yellow; tube glabrous outside, glabrous or partly puberulous or pubescent inside; limb oblique; lobes obovate, shorter than tube. Stamens 4(5), didynamous, included, arising at top of narrow part of corolla tube; anthers glabrous, thecae straight, divaricate; staminode 1(0). Ovary linear, minutely lepidote to subpuberulous, bilocular; ovules in 4 rows per locule but may appear as 2 in cross sections. Nectary annular. Fruit a long, narrow, linear capsule, tapering at ends, compressed, leathery; valves parallel to septum; dehiscence septicidal. Seeds membranous, with 2 wings not sharply demarcated from seed body, blunt-ended, mostly brown and irregularly hyaline at apex.
Species 3 or 4, centred in tropical America; 1 exotic in sthn Afr., * Macfadyenaunguis-cati (L.) A.Gentry, a widespread garden escape but naturalised in Levubu, Magoebaskloof and Duiwelskloof (Northern Province), Sabi and possibly Nelspruit (Mpumalanga), and Durban and Pietermaritzburg areas (KwaZulu-Natal).

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