
Erect or decumbent glabrous shrublets. Leaves alternate or opposite, filiform-linear or oblanceolate, entire or lobed, terete or flattened, somewhat fleshy. Capitula radiate, solitary, terminal, pedunculate. Involucre broadly campanulate-hemispherical; involucral bracts imbricate, broad, ovate-oblong-obovate with very obtuse or rounded tips, herbaceous, with membranous margins. Receptacle convex, epaleate. Rayflorets female, fertile, usually +/- 8, sometimes up to 13, white, often becoming pink-reddish and revolute; tube somewhat compressed, glandular, lamina with smooth surface, apically 3-toothed or subentire. Style branches oblong, truncate or somewhat emarginate. Discflorets regular, yellow; tube broadly cylindrical, glandular, limb campanulate, 5-lobed. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; apical appendage +/- ovate, obtuse; endothecial tissue polarised; filament collar subcylindrical with subequal cells. Style branches oblong, truncate; style base partly immersed in broad and distinct nectary. Cypselas dorsiventrally strongly compressed, laterally winged, white, adaxial side smooth; abaxial side with longitudinal myxogenic striae apically ending in fringe of fused projections; lateral wings scarious, white, opaque. Pappus of 3 adaxial, white, scarious scales. x = 9 (1 report).
Species 3, endemic to sthn Afr., Northern Cape (Namaqualand) and Western Cape.

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