Monoecious evergreen trees. Leaves pinnate; leaflets in 1-3 pairs, opposite or alternate, entire, glabrous, lowermost leaflets often reduced and sometimes stipule-like. Inflorescences terminal and axillary, paniculate or simple. Flowers regular, greenish yellow. Sepals (4)5, free, unequal, strongly imbricate. Petals (0-4)5, ovate, clawed, fringed with small hairs. Disc pentagonal, lobed, convex. Stamens 5-7, hairy at base. Ovary 2(3)-locular and -lobed with 1 ovule per locule; style entire; ovary rudiment in male flowers a cushion of hairs. Fruit of 1(-3) indehiscent mericarps, developed ones ellipsoid, but 1 or 2 abortive at base. Seeds without aril.
Sthn trop. Afr. 1: Lepisanthes senegalensis (Poir.) Leenh., Angola, Malawi, Mozambique.
Aphania Blume; Exell & Mendonca: 81 (1954/1956); Exell: 525 (1966); Exell & Sousa: 30 (1973); Dowsett-Lemaire & White: 83 (1990); White et al.: 525 (2001).
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