Perennial herbs with quadrangular, pubescent stems. Leaves lyrate-oblanceolate, +/- auricled on stem. Inflorescence terminal, pseudospicate, dense; bracts small, early caducous. Calyx: tube bulbous; teeth 5: 4 +/- as long as tube, lanceolate, upper tooth larger, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate. Corolla 2-lipped, pubescent; lower lip carinate. Stamens 4, declinate, with filaments fused into a tube arising at corolla throat; anthers synthecate. Style lying with stamens in lower lip of corolla; stigma shortly 2-lobed. Nutlets ovoid, smooth.
Species 5, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. ?1: Leocus lyratus A.Chev., Zambia, Zimbabwe. Paton (pers. com.) states that Leocus lyratus is so similar to Plectranthus betonicifolius that there appears to be no reason to keep Leocus separate from Plectranthus.
Briquetastrum Robyns & Lebrun; White: 372 (1962).
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