
Prostrate perennial herbs. Leaves paired, small, shortly petiolate; stipules in lower part of stem with sheath produced into an undivided triangular lobe, in upper part deeply bifid into narrowly triangular fimbriae or less often with 3 fimbriae. Flowers small, bisexual, dimorphic, in terminal triads or sometimes solitary. Calyx: tube ovoid or ellipsoid; lobes 4, equal, oblong-elliptic or oblong-spathulate, rather thick, exceeding tube, joined at base to form a free tube. Corolla: tube shortly cylindric or narrowly funnel-shaped, sparsely pilose inside; lobes 4, elliptic-oblong to oblong-lanceolate. Stamens completely exserted in short-styled forms. Ovary 2-locular, with peltate placentas and 8 to fairly many ovules; style stoutly filiform, minutely bifid at apex, stigma-lobes short, subglobose or ellipsoid. Fruit capsular with bony walls, ellipsoid, produced into a solid beak; at length apically loculicidally dehiscent. Seeds few per locule, blackish, angular, pitted.
Monotypic genus: Lelya prostrata var. prostrata, and var. angustifolia (Bremek.) W.H.Lewis in widely separated areas of trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. Angola, Zambia, Malawi. Scarcely separable from Oldenlandia, but apart from the bony fruits the pollen differs from all known species of that genus.

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