Petalacte D.Don section Amphilasia DC.; Harvey: 288 (1865).
Shrubs. Leaves alternate, sessile, greyish tomentose (hair type B), eglandular, margin flat, entire. Capitula disciform, in terminal flat-topped corymbs. Involucralbracts papery, white, opaque; stereome undivided. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Femaleflorets purple, pistillate, filiform, fewer than disc florets. Discflorets bisexual or functionally male; corolla purple, lobes erect. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate with short tails; apical appendage flat, as wide as thecae; endothecial tissue polarised. Style bifid; style branches truncate with obtuse sweeping hairs apically; stigmatic surfaces separated. Cypselas ellipsoid, with short, clavate, nonmyxogenic twin hairs; epidermis smooth. Pappus of free, barbellate, capillary bristles in 1 row, basally with patent cilia; apical cells clavate, white, opaque.
Monotypic, endemic to sthn Afr.: Langebergia canescens (DC.) Anderb., Western Cape.
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