
Shrublets, glabrous except for loose cobwebby tomentum in leaf axils and on adaxial sides of young leaves. Leaves alternate, sessile, simple, linear, base half-clasping, subcarnose or coriaceous, mucronate. Capitula discoid, terminal, solitary, +/- 15-30-flowered; peduncle long. Involucre ecalyculate, cupuliform to narrowly campanulate; involucral bracts 11-13, in 1 row, equal, free from base, linear-lanceolate. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Discflorets bisexual, fertile; corolla tubular, probably red with yellowish base, glabrous; lobes narrowly triangular, thickish, with involute margins and subcucullate tips. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate or minutely sagittate, with flat, acute, narrowly triangular appendage; endothecial cells with thickenings on longitudinal and transverse walls. Style terete, basally swollen; style branches stout with continuous stigmatic areas, apically with oblong-triangular, obtuse-subacute, minutely papillate appendage. Cypselas narrowly oblong, obscurely 5-angular, brown, eventually black, covered with small, whitish, mucilaginous, papilliform hairs. Pappus bristles copious, in many rows, persistent, laxly and minutely serrulate, glossy white.
Monotypic, endemic to sthn Afr.: Lamprocephalus montanus B.Nord., Western Cape.

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