
Sch.Bip. ex Benth.
Herbs, aromatic; stem with resin ducts. Leaves alternate, dentate, decurrent, hairy. Capitula disciform, terminal, few to many together, often in large, loose synflorescence; flowers mauve, pink or yellow. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Involucralbracts narrow, often squarrose. Marginalflorets female; corolla filiform, 3-lobed. Discflorets bisexual, 4- or 5-lobed. Anthers ecaudate, calcarate; endothecial tissue radial. Style bifid; style branches with obtuse sweeping hairs reaching below the furcation. Cypselas distinct, stout, ellipsoid, without resin ducts, with straight hairs. Pappus of free, barbellate, capillary bristles in 1 row; each bristle with adpressed teeth. x = 5 (9) (polyploidy, B-chromosomes-1 report).
Species 17; tropical Africa, Arabian Peninsula, Asia; 2 in sthn Afr.: Laggera crispata (Vahl) Hepper & Wood and L. decurrens (Vahl) Hepper & Wood, widespread but absent from Western Cape.

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