Annual or perennial herbs, slender, erect. Leaves proximally opposite, distally alternate, sessile, linear, entire or sparsely serrulate. Capitula terminal, solitary, heterogamous and radiate. Involucre ovoid; bracts in 1 or 2 rows. Receptacle flat to conical, epaleate. Ray florets in 1 row, female. Disc florets many, bisexual, proximally cylindric, more distally campanulate and with 5 teeth. Anthers 5, obtuse at base, with triangular appendages at apex. Style cylindric; branches flattened, minutely puberulous. Cypselas ellipsoid, slightly compressed, smooth and glabrous with slightly ribbed margins. Pappus 0 or a minute annular rim.
Species 2, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Jeffreya palustris (O.Hoffm.) Wild, Zambia.
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