
Sutera Roth: 291 (1821) not of 1807, in part; Hiern: 243 (1904); Merxmuller & Roessler: 43 (1967a). Lyperia Benth.: 377 (1836a) in part, excl. lectotype; Hilliard: 90 (1994); Peliostomum Benth. in part, Hiern: 133 (1904); Chaenostoma Benth. in part; Thellung: 408 (1915).
Shrubs, suffrutices, perennial or annual herbs, glandular or rarely clad in scales, aromatic, often foetid; stems leafy. Leaves opposite, often alternate upwards, sometimes pseudofasciculate or crowded on very short brachyblasts, entire to deeply divided, not decurrent. Flowers solitary in axils of leaves or bracts, grouped in racemose inflorescences. Bracts very rare, never adnate to pedicel or calyx. Calyx 5-lobed almost to base (rarely divided +/- halfway), almost regular; lobes various in shape, usually entire, sometimes toothed, pubescent. Corolla +/- 5-lobed; tubular, nearly regular to distinctly bilabiate; tube cylindrical, abruptly expanded near apex, mouth often round, sometimes compressed; limb: posterior lip usually 2-lobed, exterior in bud; anterior lip 3-lobed; lobes spreading, orbicular to oblong or cuneate, often entire, sometimes retuse to 2-lobed, usually glandular outside, with glistening glands and/or glandular hairs, rarely scales, inside with a broad transverse, V-shaped band of unicellular, clavate hairs in throat, usually extending a bit on to base of anterior lip. Stamens 4, rarely anterior pair 0 or much reduced, didynamous; filaments arising in swollen part of tube, posterior ones strongly decurrent and at least these pubescent; anthers synthecate, dorsifixed, usually included, anterior pair rarely just visible in throat or very shortly exserted. Nectary apparently annular, +/- swollen on one side, sometimes resulting in a conspicuous lateral gland. Ovary bilocular, +/- deltoid, usually glandular; ovules many per locule; stigma very short, minutely bifid, included. Fruit a septicidal capsule with a short loculicidal split at tip of each valve. Seeds +/- oblong, reddish to greyish brown, not ribbed; testa thin, reticulate, tightly investing endosperm, rarely testa patterned with transversely elongated pits in a chequer-board pattern. x = 6 (polyploidy).
Species 83, 1 from Egypt and Sudan to Indian subcontinent, rest in Africa, Angola and Zambia southwards; 74 in sthn Afr., in all areas but with more species in the western than the eastern half.

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