
Erect, branched shrubs. Leaves closely set and overlapping, whorled, narrow, linear, serrated in upper half, leathery. Flowers many, axillary, solitary or in few-flowered cymes, crowded among upper leaves. Calyx 3-partite; lobes ovate-lanceolate, acuminate, ribbed, valvate, glandular-pubescent; posterior lobe broader than others, trifid; anterior lobes entire. Corolla 5-lobed; bilabiate, densely viscid-pilose outside; tube wide, with pouch on anterior side lined with stalked, oil-secreting trichomes; posterior lip bilobed, exterior in bud; anterior lip slightly shorter and deeply 3-lobed; lobes obtuse, +/- as long as tube. Stamens 2, included, lying along upper side of pouch with stigma; filaments rather thick, terete, glabrous, arising at base of corolla tube; anthers kidney-shaped, bithecate; thecae divaricate, confluent at apex; staminodes 2 or 3, setiform. Nectary 0. Ovary bilocular, ovoid, densely glandular; ovules many; style rather thick, linear, included; stigma simple. Fruit an ovoid, subtetragonal, acute, septicidal capsule; valves bifid. Seeds many, ovoid-oblong, truncate; testa reticulate, membranous.
Monotypic: Ixianthes retzioides Benth., Western Cape, central Cederberg south to Tulbagh; usually rooted in water, occasionally submerged; pollinated by oil-collecting bees.

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